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January 17, 2019

dB Gives Hosts LifeSouth Blood Drive in Research Park

dB Gives sponsored a blood drive on January 17, 2019 at our Research Park Office. After donating blood on the LifeSouth Blood Mobile, participants were invited to partake from a table of refreshing goodies set up in the deciBel lobby area. deciBel invited companies throughout Research Park to take part in the drive. We truly appreciate everyone who donated!
January 17, 2019

dB Gives Hosts LifeSouth Blood Drive in Research Park

dB Gives sponsored a blood drive on January 17, 2019 at our Research Park Office. After donating blood on the LifeSouth Blood Mobile, participants were invited to partake from a table of refreshing goodies set up in the deciBel lobby area. deciBel invited companies throughout Research Park to take part in the drive. We truly appreciate everyone who donated!